Thank you for your interest in our I Have a Voice Orphans Choir program at your facility.

Among many of the positives of our program, the one we find most important for candidates is that it is fully funded. That’s right; our professional choir master, any uniforms and signage plus all sound equipment for 40 weeks of the year is completely funded by our organisation.

For the sake of being completely transparent, there is no cost to you.

What do our students say about our program?

Students in our program have told us that they experience a range of benefits that include;

  • Enjoyable

  • Inspiring

  • Motivating

  • Like a family

  • Having a strong purpose

What do Principals/Directors say about our program?

Principals/Directors have found a range of improvements in the children in their care directly related from our program. Some of these affirmations have included;

  • Community focused

  • Form of therapy

  • Empowering

  • Joyful

  • Life-Changing


Our Choir Masters aren’t just people passionate about music and young people, all of them are professionally trained and motivated to maximise the benefits of our program with children from all walks of life.

All team members have up-to-date Working with Children certification and adhere to our Code of Conduct and Child Safety Policy.

Find out more about the IHAVOC team of Choir Masters here.

WHy is our program fully funded?

Our program is fully funded, which means there is absolutely no cost to your organisation. This is solely due to the passion and commitment of our Founder, Martha Tellez in wanting to support disadvantaged children. There is a beautiful story linked to the creation of our organisation which you can discover here.


  1. Complete the application form below.

  2. Martha  (Managing Director) and Elizabeth (National Coordinator), will contact you to schedule an appointment*.

  3. If you are in Morelia or Celaya, Elizabeth Espejel will visit you, if you are in Guadalajara, Wilmia Verrier. If you are outside of these cities, you will be notified who will visit you.

  4. During the meeting, we will outline the benefits of the program again and sign an agreement between the two organisations. Remember that there is no cost to you, I Have A Voice provides a choir teacher for 2 hours a week during the school year, uniform for all participants (shirt with the IHAVOC logo), an electric keyboard (in case you do not have an instrument to rehearse with) and whatever else is needed for the choir.

  5. If you accept the terms, conditions and that the board of directors accept your request, a choir director will be assigned and the schedule will be agreed.

  6. The signed agreement will be sent via email and, in the same way, the contract is signed with the choirmaster.

  7. Classes will then commence at the beginning of the next calendar month. It’s that simple. Everyone will be singing and join our growing I Have A Voice family.

  8. The agreement is evaluated each 6 months and I Have a Voice Orphans Choir will be in constant communication with you throughout the year.

* To be eligible for the program, organisations must meet one of the criteria listed below:

  • Homes for children from disadvantage/impoverish back ground (4 to 18 years old.)

  • Orphanages

  • Foster Homes


The success of our program has been highlighted through the personal growth and benefits witnessed by Principals and Directors of facilities that we currently operate in. You can find a list of testimonials by clicking here.

We have summarised the major benefits below;

  • Children receive a quality choir class, with professional teachers free of charge

  • Students experience significant personal growth that positively impacts all factors of life, including academic

  • Through musical understanding, children learn schemes and routines that strengthen character and personal development

  • Program stimulates teamwork, camaraderie and friendship

  • They enjoy music, which fills them with happiness

  • By participating in concerts and meetings with other choirs, they discover there is a different world and they are also part of other people's happiness.  They too are capable of making magic through music and therefore feel special and empowered by belonging to their choir

  • Positively impacts the community, the school and the institution through enhanced positivity

  • Children experience many positive sensations and improve their attitude towards life

  • Stimulates curiosity and enhances willingness and confidence to learn new skills

  • Music develops their psychomotor, speech and language skills

  • Through breathing, coordination and movement exercises associated with singing, the children deepen their connection to each other and, in addition to enjoying the routines, they are provided a platform to express their moods. It is a form of music therapy.

  • Children are introduced to music of various genres, styles, periods and countries around the world

WHAT DO WE EXPECT from you and your organisation?

I Have a Voice Orphans Choir is a professional organisation forms lasting relationships with organisations that value the same.

  • Punctuality and Commitment - Our Choir Masters are there on time and on all days the program is conducted. We expect all organisations to meet this also. In special cases, it is appreciated that you notify in advance for the change and replacement of class.

  • Evaluation - We evaluate our performance on a biannual basis and we value your feedback to help improve our program and to measure the impact of our work. Each 6 months, you will be given an opportunity to evaluate our organisational performance, the performance of your choir master and we ask to gather feedback from directors and all students participating in the program.

  • Performances - During periods of public rehearsal and performances, we ask for assistance with the coordination and supervision of children to ensure their safety.

  • Uniform - We kindly request that during all sessions conducted with I Have a Voice Orphans Choir, children are wear their uniform provided.

Please note that once successful with your application our program is fully funded 2 hours a week during the school year. In the event that you need additional attendance outside the agreement, your institution can organise payment themselves or that time can be allocated in-lieu of a rehearsal session. Payment is calculated per hour worked by the choir master and corresponding per diem. More information can be provided by the National Coordinator.


Interested in apply for one of the remaining 3 positions for 2023.

Complete the fields below to send an email to our Program Director in your country to start your application.