Paul Rider Boon
Paul Rider Boon
Kimberley Choir Manager
Paul Rider Boon is Kimberley Choir Manager and is currently based in Broome, Australia. Paul started working with I Have a Voice Orphans Choir in July 2021, right in the middle of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Paul is excited to use this opportunity to create a positive musical environment in the community and provide a platform where everybody is learning something new about themselves. A member of the Broome music and local community for over 20 years, he is excited about bringing his passion, skill base and large network to the IHAVOC team to assist in maximising our impact in the Kimberley region.
“The future is potentially limitless in this space”
His hard work has already helped to bring our first singing group in the Kimberley to life, the Bushbeez. In order to achieve this he needed a large degree of patience, understanding, lateral thinking and some more patience. Despite the challenges faced, Paul feels very satisfied and inspired when working on this project with the communities.
Paul is no stranger to performing and is a well respected musician in his own right. His personal motto of ‘never say never’ was truly felt when he was standing on stage in New York City, holding his didgeridoo ready to play for a full house on Broadway. He is a self taught player who through some great contacts and hard work has been able to do something that he had never dreamed of. Paul has performed in over 200 shows with Hugh Jackman and a group of Indigenous Australians all over the world. Paul is a firm believer of cultural currency and he sees the Bushbeez as an extension of that experience!
Throughout his involvement, his goalposts for success have shifted a little. Previously, he was focused on numbers of students involved but has recently shifted to focus more on quality engagement and the the specific quality of the experiences of those that attend our sessions have.
There are many indigenous communities in the Kimberley region and Paul is correct in saying that the future of IHAVOC is potentially limitless in this space. He sees the Bushbeez group from Broome growing across the Kimberley and potentially beyond. He recognises that it is a real team effort and acknowledges that the successes wouldn’t have been achieved without this great team. Together they have battled adversity, the challenges of Covid-19 and together they look towards the future. Onward and Upward!
Thank you so much for being an integral and inspiring member of our team, Paul. We know that together we can maximising our impact in Indigenous communities in Australia.